Thursday, May 6, 2010


This blog is more of a life lesson than anything math related. That lesson is to not procrastinate, just in case the time on this blog didn't say that already. Enjoy our misery Mr. Hnidei, you did warn us.

(FTL=For the LOSS)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Due Date Tomorrow!

Today is our final day for revision and we're going over the report to make sure we don't have any mistakes and to make sure we didn't forget anything. The experiment was surprising fun to do together and we all enjoyed it (with the except of the write-up maybe). Considering the fact that today is our final day, I think it is safe to say this will be our final post as well. In conclusion we will leave you with what the experiment was all about, the equation of the relationship between the tension in a guitar string and its frequency. From our calculations we concluded this to be y=28.016x^0.4999 where y is the frequency in Hertz and x is the tension in newtons. We hope anyone who stumbles across this blog is able to get something out of it.

Signing off!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Due Date Approaching!

We're into our final week and the only additional work to be done is some of the write up. There really aren't any new and exciting developments to bestow upon all you followers(Just us and Mr.Hnidei eventually). Anyways, we are hoping to finish the write up completely within the next day or so and save the last few for revision!